Spiran Lodge 98
Community & Civic OrganizationsRockport Services
About Us
Lodge Spiran, Vasa Order of America, was chartered on April 6, 1906 with 36 charter members of Swedish birth or background.
In the year 1917, the lodge purchased the presently owned building at the corner of School Street and Broadway, formerly used as a lodging house for the employees of the Annisquam Cotton Mill across the street, the present site of the George J. Tarr School. Purchase price was $2,500.
In 1940, the town of Rockport celebrated the centennial of its incorporation as a town. Lodge Spiran took part in the festivities by demonstrating Swedish dancing at the Legion bandstand on Beach Street.
The lodge continued, if at a slower pace until the next major innovation. This came in 1960 when Vasa membership was extended by the Grand Lodge to include those people who by birth, background, or marriage, were aligned with any of the Scandinavian countries; Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. (Formerly only those of Swedish background were eligible). At the present time Lodge Spiran has representatives of all of these countries except Iceland. The Lodge is still going strong today.